Member/Signatory ID (Upload Front of Driver's License):
I, {Name}, hereby acknowledge that by signing this Liability Waiver Agreement, I willingly assume all risks associated with participating in any activities offered by Calvert MMA Academy, LLC, and Lineage BJJ, LLC, collectively referred to as "the Academy." I understand that my participation in these activities is voluntary, and I am responsible for my own safety and the safety of any minors under my care who also participate in these activities.
I hereby release and discharge the Academy, its officers, directors, employees, agents, volunteers, and guest instructors from any and all claims, demands, damages, causes of action, and liabilities that may arise from or be related to my participation in the Academy’s activities, including but not limited to any injury, death, or property damage that may occur as a result of my participation.
Furthermore, I agree to indemnify and hold the Academy, its officers, directors, employees, agents, volunteers, and guest instructors harmless from any and all claims, demands, damages, causes of action, and liabilities that may arise from or be related to my participation in the Academy’s activities, including but not limited to any injury, death, or property damage that may occur as a result of my participation.
I understand that the Academy does not provide medical insurance for any injuries that may occur as a result of my participation in its activities, and I am solely responsible for obtaining my own medical insurance.
I certify that I am in good physical condition and have no medical conditions that would prevent me from participating in the Academy’s activities. If I have any doubts about my physical condition, I will consult with a physician before participating in the Academy’s activities.
I acknowledge that this agreement is binding on my family, heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns. I have read and understood this agreement and voluntarily sign it without reservation as my own free act and deed.
I acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. I understand that the Academy has implemented preventative measures to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. However, I acknowledge that there is no guarantee that I will not become infected despite these measures.
I agree to comply with all procedures and guidelines in place to reduce the spread of these diseases while attending classes offered by the Academy.
I attest that:
- I am not experiencing any symptoms of illness such as cough, shortness of breath, fever, or other COVID-19 symptoms.
- I do not believe I have been exposed to someone with a suspected or confirmed case of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 or any other infectious disease.
- I have not been diagnosed with Coronavirus/COVID-19 or any other infectious disease and have not yet been cleared as non-contagious by state or local public health authorities.
- I do not knowingly have any active contagious virus/disease that may infect others, including but not limited to the flu, common cold, contagious skin rash/infection, warts, herpes (cold sores), etc.
- I will wash or sanitize my hands before and after each class.
- I will have clean gym attire and gym bag for each class.
- I have read, understand, and will follow all safety rules and etiquette of the Academy.
- I will stay home if I am sick or have any known contagious condition until cleared by a medical doctor and/or fully recovered.
- I will report any illness to the staff of the Academy and agree to allow notification to other members that I may have come into contact with.
- I understand and assume all risks associated with Coronavirus/COVID-19 and other infectious diseases.
I hereby release and agree to hold the Academy harmless from, and waive on behalf of myself, my heirs, and any personal representatives, any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, and compensation for damage or loss to myself and/or property that may be caused by any act or failure to act of the Academy or that may otherwise arise in connection with any services received from the Academy. I understand that this release discharges the Academy from any liability or claim that I, my heirs, or any personal representatives may have against the Academy with respect to any bodily injury, illness, death, medical treatment, or property damage that may arise from or in connection with any services received from the Academy. This liability waiver and release extend to the academy/studio, together with all owners, partners, employees, guest instructors, and subcontractors.
I/We hereby authorize the medical personnel selected by the Academy to secure and administer treatment and to maintain and/or release any medical records necessary for treatment purposes, as outlined under the HIPAA regulation. I also authorize the medical personnel to provide or arrange necessary transportation for the person named above.
I verify that I or my child named above is in good health and capable of participating in strenuous activities. I understand that it is my responsibility to tailor our activities to those within the bounds of our physical health. I acknowledge that any medical treatment provided to me or my child while attending activities at the Academy will be paid for by my medical insurance company. I guarantee payment for any services not covered by insurance.
I understand that the medical personnel will take reasonable measures to contact me, or the emergency contact provided if a medical situation arises. However, if they are unable to reach me or the emergency contact, they have my permission to provide any necessary medical treatment.
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the terms of this Authorization for Treatment.
All members and potential members must read, agree to, and adhere to the rules and etiquette of the Academy before participating in any activities. If there are any questions or concerns with any part of our rules and etiquette, it is the member's responsibility to bring these issues to the attention of the Academy for resolution.
Good Conduct:
- Member safety is of utmost concern. Any member who acts in an unsafe manner or is disrespectful to instructors, staff, other members, or guests will be immediately expelled from the Academy and will forfeit their contractual obligations.
- Any member who uses our techniques in an intentional criminal manner or for purposes other than self-defense in a violent situation will be immediately expelled from the Academy and will forfeit the remainder of their contractual obligations.
- A clean uniform/clothing/equipment must be worn/used for each class.
- No street clothes are allowed on the mats during training, including clothing worn throughout the day under your uniform, such as blue jeans, sweatpants, etc.
- Bodies, including hands, feet, and hair, should be clean for each class.
- Nails should be trimmed neatly and rounded to prevent accidental cuts and lacerations to your training partners.
- Long hair needs to be secured in a fashion that does not involve sharp hair clips, bobby pins, etc., but allows for the safety of the member and any potential training partners.
- Hands should be washed/sanitized before and after each class.
- Shoes are never permitted on the mats, including wrestling shoes.
- Shoes must be worn whenever a member uses the restroom.
- Agree to team uniform policy guidelines.
Physical/Personal Safety:
- If you wish to stop at any time while grappling/training with a partner/opponent, verbally say "stop" or "tap," or tap repetitively with your hand/foot/etc. on your opponent or on the mat.
- You should "tap" whenever you feel any discomfort. Do not wait until you feel actual pain to "tap."
- While training with a partner/opponent, you are responsible for their safety, within your control, and are required to immediately stop and release any applied technique when your partner/opponent "taps." If your partner/opponent refuses to submit/tap to an applied technique at a point when it is clear the technique will result in harm to them, you should discontinue the technique immediately before injury occurs and report the incident to an instructor.
- Remember, we are not a "fight club." You are responsible for your training partners/opponent's safety, within your control. You may not intentionally hurt your training partner/opponent, they may not intentionally hurt you, and you cannot let them intentionally hurt themselves. This is especially true for the higher-ranked person when training. If at any time someone shouts out in pain, release the technique immediately— that is a verbal submission.
- We fully respect and support your right to choose your training partners. If there is a particular student you are uncomfortable partnering with for drilling or rolling, please trust your instincts and exercise your right to decline the partnership. If needed, bring your concerns to our staff members for a discreet resolution.
- If you are sick, stay home!
- If you think you may be getting sick or were exposed to someone who is ill, stay home!
- If you have a contagious illness or disease, you are not permitted to train at the Academy. This includes, but is not limited to, cold sores, warts, influenza, COVID-19, common cold, tuberculosis, strep, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, pink eye, rashes, etc.
- If you are injured (including injuries obtained outside of the Academy), immediately report it to an instructor before training or continuing training at the Academy. Any injury that occurs within the Academy must be reported within 24 hours of the occurrence.
Blood-Borne Pathogens:
- If you are bleeding, discontinue training and notify an instructor immediately to allow them to attend to your injury and to clean/sanitize the affected mat area.
- If you notice blood on mats or on another student, report it immediately.
Skin Infection/Rash:
- If you have or suspect you may have a skin infection or rash, report it immediately to an instructor and seek medical attention.
- You will not be permitted to train with a skin infection or rash until cleared by a medical doctor and/or an Academy instructor.
- For your safety, the safety of others, and to prevent damage to the mats, you may not wear jewelry of any kind while training. This includes, but is not limited to, watches, rings (silicon bands are okay to wear during training), earrings, necklaces, bracelets, etc. Pierced jewelry may be permitted on a case-by-case basis, with approval from an instructor.
- For your safety and the safety of others, your finger and toenails should be trimmed neatly and rounded (no sharp edges) to prevent accidental cuts and lacerations to your training partners.
Grappling/Technique Drilling:
- To ensure safety and prevent injuries, “free rolling” is not permitted until a member has achieved the rank of 2-stripe white belt unless explicitly approved by the coaching staff. However, during open mat training, members are allowed to engage in positional rolling and drilling.
- The following techniques are prohibited for all ranks during normal in-class grappling:
- Straight cervical neck cranks
- Small joint manipulations (fingers and toes)
- Fingers or hands in the mouth or ears / over the mouth or nose
- Attacking the groin area
- Hair pulling/grabbing
- High-velocity slams from the guard
- Pinching or crushing the trachea (windpipe)
- Face crushing (choking over the face)
- If you wish to use any of the following techniques during rolling/sparring, you and your training partner/opponent must verbally agree prior to your roll/spar:
- Striking or uncontrolled dropping of body weight of any kind
- Heel hooks or twisting foot locks (which are only allowed in No-Gi)
- Knee bars
- Toe holds
- Wrist locks
- Over guard guillotine (Peruvian necktie)
Property Damage:
- All members, visitors, or their responsible parties are liable for any damage caused to the Academy's property due to neglect, intentional actions, or failure to follow the Academy's rules. This includes, but is not limited to, damage to equipment, facilities, or other members' belongings.
- Members/visitors who cause damage will be required to reimburse the Academy for the cost of repair or replacement of the damaged property.
- Additionally, members/visitors are responsible for compensating the Academy for any staff time spent returning the property to its original condition, including installation or setup of replacement items.
- The Academy reserves the right to assess and determine the total costs associated with the damage and enforce payment or replacement terms as necessary.
- Guests/Members agree never to solicit active or former members of Lineage BJJ, Calvert MMA Academy, or any related entities for a similar business or activity.
- Guests/Members agree not to engage in any actions, directly or indirectly, that would harm the Academy, including but not limited to soliciting members, staff, or instructors to leave or join a competing business.
- If expelled from the Academy, terminated, or upon choosing to leave, the Guest/Member agrees not to disparage, harass, or otherwise harm the reputation of the Academy, its staff, members, or associated parties. This includes any form of communication, public or private, that could damage the Academy’s standing.
- No student under the age of 16 shall be left unaccompanied by a parent/guardian/adult family member at the Academy without approval from the Academy staff. In addition, minors (students under the age of 18) are never allowed in the Academy unaccompanied without a minimum of two adults present.
- Parents/Guardians/Guests/Visitors have the responsibility to check the bathroom before and after their child uses it. If necessary, parents/guardians must clean up after their child and will be held responsible for any damages that may occur from their child's bathroom usage.
- No food/gum is allowed in the Academy without approval from the Academy staff.
- Member/Parent/Guardian/Guest/Visitor is responsible for taking all personal property home after each class. The Academy is not responsible for the loss or theft of personal property. For sanitary reasons, the Academy will not hold unclean uniforms/workout gear within the Academy. If forgotten, it is the member's responsibility to return to the Academy immediately to retrieve their property. We do not have a lost and found service. It is the member's responsibility to notify the Academy of any lost or left-behind items as soon as possible. We have security cameras throughout the facility. If you feel an item of value was lost or stolen at the Academy, notify us immediately.
- The Academy has a large community of law enforcement personnel and many other members with high-level government clearances. Due to this fact, we must restrict membership from anyone under criminal investigation, indictment, or who has been convicted of a felony.
- Any legal issues arising from this document will be heard and settled within the judicial system of the state of Maryland.
- Furthermore, in the event that the Academy prevails in court, the signatory agrees to cover all of the Academy's legal expenses, court costs, and an additional $2,000.00 for each court appearance of the Academy. These provisions are in place to ensure that both parties are aware of the potential costs associated with legal proceedings.