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Lineage BJJ™ BBQ - Sept 07, 2024


Super Seminar Barbecue - September 7, 2024

Join us for an exciting day of training and celebration at our Super Seminar Barbecue! This event is not only a fantastic opportunity to learn from top instructors but also a chance to come together as a community and celebrate the achievements of our teammates.

Event Details:

  • Date: September 7, 2024
  • Time: Belt Promotion Ceremonies will begin sharply at 1 PM and may last up to 20 minutes, followed by the barbecue.
  • Location: Lineage BJJ, 44723 Saint Andrews Church Rd., California, Maryland

Pricing and Pre-Payment:

  • Cost: $20 per guest if you pre-pay now. If you wait until September 1, the price will increase to $25.
  • Pre-Payment Required: We need a good headcount to ensure we have enough food for everyone. Please make sure to pay as soon as possible to secure your spot and help us with our planning.
  • Non-Refundable: Please note that the payment is non-refundable.

Who Can Attend:

  • This event is open to guests of attendees, such as family members and friends.
  • Members of our team who may just want to see their friends promoted and join in the festivities are also welcome. This is a great opportunity to build camaraderie and strengthen our community bonds.

Food and Festivities:

  • Enjoy a delicious barbecue with pulled pork, pulled chicken, and all the fixings prepared by our BBQ Black Belt Chef.
  • Celebrate the achievements of our teammates as they receive their well-deserved promotions.

Important Note:

  • Pre-payment is mandatory to attend the barbecue. This helps us ensure we have an accurate headcount and can provide enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you all there and making this event a memorable one for our entire community!